a soft place to land


Posts in playroom
Playroom Redesign Budget

When it came time to address the playroom, I gave myself a budget of $1,000. I know this is just a season of life and this room won’t be a playroom forever and let’s face it - it’s a playroom for a little boy. Things are going to get beat up! Knowing this space is ultimately temporary, I didn’t want to spend a fortune. However, we needed some larger furniture items. For one, more toy storage. For this, I looked to IKEA. These lower shelves are actually 3 separate pieces and can go in the kids’ rooms or their closets once we no longer need a playroom. We also needed a small, apartment-sized sofa that pulled out into a bed. I looked high and low and assure you, the one I found is the lowest price you can find for a sleeper sofa that pulls out into an actual bed (not a mat on the floor).

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design, kids, playroomLydia Seno
Playroom Redesign

When we first moved into this house, I was SO happy to finally have a playroom. At our old house, the living room was the playroom which was…challenging. As a stay-at-home mom with a growing family I was so grateful to have the space to dedicate an entire area just to playing and learning. We went back and forth on where the playroom should be and ultimately decided against having it upstairs. At the time our son was 18 months and he needed to be within earshot and we spend most of our time on the main floor. By using the flex room as our playroom he could play while I cooked, cleaned up, or worked at the kitchen table.

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design, kids, playroomLydia Seno